Writings from a shepherd of Christ's flock

Month: October 2019

The World Series – A Taste of True Drama

Game 6 of the World Series last night was one for the books. Not only did it display brilliant pitching and hitting from the Nationals, it set a World Series record for 6 away-game wins. With the news of Max Scherzer unable to pitch Game 5 but slated for tonight’s game, the drama could not be higher.

Drama is, of course, what draws us most to sports. Sports may be the last frontier of unspoilable drama. With the ubiquity of smartphone cameras and spoiler websites, most movies and TV shows have to go to extraordinary lengths to keep their plot twists under wraps. Not so with sports. Barring any illegal “throwing” of a game (which may have happened in the infamous 1919 World Series), no one knows who will win any game. Entire industries exist around gathering statistics, making predictions, and commenting on the action in real time. But the thrill is in the unknown. It is where we remember that we are human, bound by time, uncertain about the future. [ . . . ]  [read more]

Empathy: 5 Tips for Taking the Plunge

Originally published at Mending the Soul

Seven years into my first pastorate, a young lady in our church told me her story of being sexually abused as a little girl. She was deadpan as she recounted the events, mirroring the blank response her parents had given as they reinterpreted her report into something less horrific. I felt all the things for her any human being would—sorrow, anger, grief. I was sympathetic. [ . . . ]  [read more]

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