Writings from a shepherd of Christ's flock

Month: February 2019

Why the Tall Grass Matters

Originally posted on September 28, 2012. Since then I have been more responsible in my lawn care, though the challenge to live reflectively in a world of information overload persists.

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One of our many tick death pools

This has been the summer of the arachnids for our family. First it was the ticks. I am not talking about the handful of ticks that tried feasting on our dogs. I am talking about an invasion of ticks into our house. Since they are nearly uncrushable we would drop them into the toilet. But by the time we were killing more than 100 per day–I kid you not–we tired of the bathroom trips and set up localized death pools in the form of old yogurt or sour cream containers half-filled with water. [ . . . ]  [read more]

Stewarding Outrage

I will be the first to admit that I was outraged.

Virginia’s governor, in response to a bill relaxing the constraints on late-term abortions, spoke about a birth in these terms: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” On the surface it sounded as if the governor supported all-out infanticide.  [ . . . ]  [read more]

Lament, Power, and the Future of the SBC

Originally published at SBC Voices on June 23, 2018

Less than a month ago, my dad dropped dead of a heart attack. This was shocking, unexpected, and disorienting for our family. As much as we wanted to pretend it didn’t happen or distract ourselves with other things, we have been helped through the process by talking about it, expressing our emotional responses, and letting each family member grieve in his or her own way. We knew we were going in the right direction when my 3-year-old said, “I miss Grandpa. I feel sad. Grandpa was a pilot. Grandpa died. He’s dead now.” [ . . . ]  [read more]

Leaders, Talk About Power to Protect the Vulnerable

Originally published at The Gospel Coalition on April 27, 2018.

I can still see the young woman in her late 20s, crouched in the fetal position as she began to tell her story of abuse. Only months into my first pastorate and unaware of such stories, my wife and I were dropped into the deep end of the pool as we listened to our new friend. In barely audible whispers she recounted how her abuser instinctually sensed her vulnerability following a traumatic experience. Then came the gifts, the attention, the flattery, and the confusing physical contact.  [ . . . ]  [read more]

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